Monday, September 16, 2024

Every Inch Makes New Art

For years I made silk satin organza panels that were inspired by the natural world of my home in coastal South Carolina. These panels were finished with a narrow machine zig-zag stitch and then trimmed of excess fabric. The result were many narrow bands of fabric about 1” in width.  I accumulated these strips  thinking-someday I will make art using these exclusively. So they sat, until recently I became inspired by the 2024 Art Cloth Network call for entry for the juried show ReVision. 
I sorted the fabric strips by compatible colors and then started “weaving” them into new works of art. 
I found that the new pieces were informed by my previous works that depicted the natural world. Here are 2 pieces that depict sea grass and water using the weaving technique.
As I worked, I used my design board to pin pieces in place and then sewn onto heavy interfacing.  I used many pins and auditioned strips until I was happy with the results.  

Sun Weaving





Monday, September 9, 2024

We Are Currently Accepting Applications for Membership

Art Cloth Network is currently accepting applications for membership.  If you are looking for camaraderie, a chance to promote your unique work, and the medium of art cloth, check out the link here.

We are a diverse group of artists who work collaboratively to promote and exhibit our art.  Applications are due SEPTEMBER 30.