Monday, January 23, 2012

2012 News from Barbara

It has been a busy month! I have an exhibit coming up at The Anderson Arts Center in Kenosha, Wisconsin that starts on January 29. I will have 10 art quilts in a room of their own - my part of the exhibit is called Water Colors and it displays both art quilts and art cloth based on water reflections. It is part of a 5 person exhibit called Quilts In Color. At the same time the Women's Journeys in Fiber group that I am part of will have the Aprons: Myth, Memories and Fantasy going in the same venue. I will post some photos after next Sunday's opening.

I have also been working on the ACN catalog, postcard and banner for our upcoming exhibit in Philadelphia. I think the items came out well and will enhance our exhibit and raise more awareness for the ACN. Here is a photo of the banner laying on the floor.

And in the studio I am working on 3 art quilts that I hope to submit for Visions (due mid February!!!!) and a very large piece for submission to the SAQA A Sense of Scale exhibition. That piece is made up of individual leaves (about 100 at last count) that I have been scanning, enlarging, printing, backing, stitching , cutting and stiffening. I envision the whole piece to look like a forest floor in autumn.

I have been following a blog that might be of interest to others called Slow Muse. Here is a link to it. I like the thoughtful writing about a variety of subjects.

That's it for now. More photos coming after Janaury 29!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Barbara for all the news, and too for the link to the Slow Muse blog. I love this quote that was in one of the comments recently:
    John Cage:

    “When you start working,
    Everybody is in your studio-
    The past
    Your friends
    The art world,
    And above all, your own ideas-all are there.
    But as you continue painting,
    They start leaving,
    One by one,
    And you are left completely alone.
    Then if you’re lucky, even you leave.”
    Attributed to John Cage by the commenter.
