Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Distinguished visitors and other stuff

Dianne -- you did the most amazing job organizing Fiber Philadelphia and those gorgeous exhibits! I was there for the opening weekend and there are no words to convey how terrific this event is.  Lines and Numbers is also a winner - and Judy did a yeoman's job of putting that together and hanging it (with help from Brian and from Diane Savona, another organizer). Fab!

I took lots of pictures, some of which are on my blog. But in case you don't want to be bothered, I'll post a couple here. (Dianne - these in the first shot can only be yours, although there was no attribution).

    My favorite, this week - under the circumstances.
I'll be there on he 31st for my own opening at the HighWire Gallery and while I won't be at the SDA-SAQA conference, I plan to check out other openings around town and will stop to see Elements either on the way down or the way home.


  1. Thanks Rayna... and you are right the triptych is mine. "Permutations". Somethings just did not get done prior to the opening on Sat. It is labeled now. I am so glad you enjoyed visiting FiberPhiladelphia and that you will be back. See you at HighWire on the 31st.

  2. My mind still boggles at the scope of this wonderful event! Too much to see in one trip.
