Thursday, June 28, 2012

Studio space

Here are some photos of my soon to be organized new studio space, I can't even figure out how I had all this stuff crammed into my 2 rooms at home. I feel like it was the clown car where people keep getting out of it! I am looking forward to getting a workshop line-up going in the fall because I can now have 10 or so students at a time. And it ahs been fun to be in a space with other artists again. Lots of ideas are generating!


  1. I am so happy for you. please keep us posted about your teaching schedule. Having this space is sure to generate lots and lots of new ideas... so exciting.

  2. Barbara - how exciting! The old adage about the more space we have, the more we fill it is so true!
    Lucky you, to have space for so many students; I can take only 3-5, depending on what we are doing. Wishing you good karma and creativity in your new space.
