Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Call for New Members

The Art Cloth Network call for new members January 15 – March 15th 2015.

Art Cloth - cloth transformed by adding or subtracting color, line, shape, texture, value, or fiber to create ao0Hf2IwQMS compelling surface and composition that reflects the hand of the artist.

Members of our group find that the opportunities for community, conversation, sharing of techniques, inspiration and resources have benefited our art and creativity. While some of us also make art quilts or mixed media work, the group is focused on art cloth and its specific surface design techniques and approaches that meet the definition above. This includes making lengths of art cloth, art cloth to be used in art quilts and/or wearable art that comprise a body of work that reflects your creative hand.


Send a request to jeanne@jeannesisson.com in order to receive detailed information and application instructions.

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