Saturday, January 16, 2021

Inspiration for joining ACN

I am so excited to have been accepted into ACN this year. I have been using photos to create patterns for the last five years and I have been experimenting with printing the patterns and colors on fabric. I've been wondering, where this can go? What kind of meaning can be created beyond the surface pattern and the physical aspects of cloth? I am looking at the community of art cloth makers to develop these ideas. I've been so inspired by the work that I've seen in ACN and the way you support one another.This quote, that I found on the ACN website, will inspire me for the next year: 

" . . . This ability to invite interaction is part of what draws artists to the idea of cloth. . . . It satisfies because it is active, it is tactile, and it is personal."

1 comment:

  1. We are happy to have you as a member, Kathleen! Love what you are doing with printing designs on fabric.
