Sunday, February 28, 2021

A Big Finish for Little Stitches - Mary Ann Nailos

Like many of you, I started the new year cleaning and organizing my studio. In the process I found things that have been overlooked or forgotten. On one shelf, collecting dust, I found 7 ceramic raku picture frames that I made 5-6 years ago. 

The frames are small - about 5 1/2 " square with an opening only 2 1/2 " square. What to put in an opening so small? I had the perfect answer - stitch meditations. 

I was inspired to make these little compositions after watching a video by textile artist Liz Kettle. Each piece is a 4" x 4" composition backed with flannel. Making these little pieces was a way of warming up, got me into the studio and working on larger pieces. 

In order to make the pieces stiffer for mounting to the frames I used a sandwich of the stitch meditation, Pellon Peltex 72F double sided fusible ultra firm stabilizer and a piece of black Kona cotton for the backing. The piece was then cut down to 3 1/4". I went around the outside edges with black paint.

Finally I put a bead of glue around the inside edge of the opening and attached the completed piece to the back of the frame and added picture hanging wire. 

Voila! A big finish for a small piece!

 I am very pleased to have made use of these frames and small compositions. Here are a couple other pieces in black and blue frames. I can see these hanging as a grouping.


  1. Love the contrast of your ceramics and fiber art, Mary. They are great together!

  2. Oh, these are lovely little gems!

  3. These look great together. Thank you for sharing.
