Saturday, October 16, 2021

When Cloth Meets Rock by Connie Tiegel

On recent hikes I have daydreamed about my hand dyed fabrics being part of the scenery.  My hiking philosophy is “Leave No Trace” and “look up, look down, look all around.'' I like to absorb details.

On hikes I bring along my camera and my hand dyed silk and cotton scarves. 

I take many photos of rock and cloth together.

Back home I manipulate the photos and use Shutterfly to make a book of our favorite ones. Carrizo Canyon 2020 was a gift to my husband for Christmas.  And I've made 2 more books as well: Indio Hills Badlands 2020 and Henderson Trail February 2021.

Seated Rusty Spiral by Connie Tiegel

Scarves on a Rock by Connie Tiegel

Scarf Imitating Rock, by Connie Tiegel

Scarf on a Rock by Connie Tiegel

For information on how to get your copy of these art books, contact Connie Tiegel at


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