Saturday, November 27, 2021

Yolanda Sanchez Values the Remnant

The shape of With a Full Heart was inspired by an image of a Korean ceremonial garment, known as a “wonsam.” The wide, outstretched sleeves provided many associations for me – medieval triptych altarpieces, strong arms that are ready to protect and envelop, even something that is ready to fly! All spiritual, nourishing images that inspire the heart. I think of this work as an offering, imparting joy and love. The work is completely made of strips of silk fabric leftover from previous Bojagi projects, thus remaining true to the concept of reuse and conservation. Bojagi has reminded me to value the remnant.

Yolanda Sánchez, With a Full Heart, 2016, silk remnants, thread, studio view; 52 x 32 inches, exhibited at the Korea Bojagi Forum, Bojagi: The Living Tradition, Suwon/Hwaseong Museum, Suwon, South Korea


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