Saturday, March 5, 2022

Ileana Soto is Digging Deeper


I recently took an on-line class from an Australian artist, Lorna Crane, called “Perfectly Imperfect, Discovering Your Visual Language.”  The structure of the class encouraged me to move my hand more freely on paper and cloth to produce and discover my own characteristic ‘marks’.  

Fibre Arts Take Two created a gorgeous ezine catalog called “Delving Deeper into Your Visual Language.”  Click here for the link: .  

Two of my art friends, ACN member Deborah Weir and Joanne Weis, are also in this catalog.

                                                                                    ---Ileana Soto


  1. Compelling work Ileana! and Deb. I would like to hear more about this class. Great catalog!

  2. A feast for the eyes, so many wonderful pieces of art in this catalogue! Well done, Ileana and Deb, and everyone else published in there.

  3. I am blown away by all the work in this "student exhibition"! Ileana and Deb thanks for creating such amazing eye candy for all to enjoy.
