Saturday, April 9, 2022

Austin Meeting 2022 by Sherri Lipman McCauley

 The  meeting in Austin, Texas was a blast!

We met for drinks, dinner and conversation in the hotel lobby on the first night.

The Art Cloth Network attendees in Austin, wearing name tags fashioned by 
Mary Tyler.

We stayed at the Carpenter Hotel in Austin, Texas.


We held our meetings a short walk away at Casa de Luz.

Sharing our artwork, talking, visiting and eating were a big part of our good times!

Merill in action- Touchdown!!!

Judy and her 3D wire work.

Malka Dubrawsky, @StitchInDye, joined us on Wednesday to share her journey. 
She shared some great information and tips.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing. I am so sorry to have missed this. I am sure the smaller number of attendees made everything so much more intimate. It is obvious how relaxed and engaged everyone is.

