Sunday, April 24, 2022

"Making Noyes" Collaborative Mural Installed by Maggie Weiss

In the summer of 2019, I began collaborating with students in various camps in my studio building. Over 90 local children ages 6 - 16 years eventually contributed to the recently installed artwork at the Noyes Cultural Arts Center here in Evanston, IL.  

Young artists created their self portraits with hugely diverse approaches, using fabrics prepared in advance. See if you can find the two with a side view; there's also a pirate, a skull, several minions and emojis as well as a cat among the many wonderful faces. With these in hand, I developed a collage design that showcased their unique work on a 6' x 4' canvas. Some of the students also created collaged houses or mono-printed background fabrics, depending upon how much time we had together. Using all of the components, I then added hand cut silk lettering on the surface of the Sun and the Moon describing the many activities for individuals, families and children that are available here. After several tries I was able to accurately depict the building itself. Evanston Quilter Amy Parker quilted an  undulating grid and I later bound the edges. I used Robbi Eklow's binding/facing method which creates corner flaps on the back of the work.  These add stability to the hanging mechanism and cover the hanging bar as well. Before installation, I Scotch-guarded the surface. 

On 25 March, 2022, the completed mural was hung and revealed to the public for the first time. The work radiates with the spirit and energy of all the young makers who participated and they can come and see their work any time. What a pleasure it was to facilitate bringing their work and voices to the public! 

- Maggie Weiss, Evanston, IL



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