Monday, June 27, 2022

"Abstract 2022"


1)      Sebastopol Center for the Arts, Sebastopol, CA, Abstract 2022, June 18-July 24, 2022

“Abstract 2022” is an international call from the Sebastopol Center for the Arts in Sebastopol, CA.  The juror chose 66 pieces from a 310 entries. 


My piece, “Rebirth”, was inspired by a 2019 trip to a Roman ruin outside of Seville, Spain called Italica.  I was fascinated to see reconstruction work alongside the centuries-old broken tile shards.  In 2022, this piece makes me think of images we are seeing of war destruction in Ukraine.  The footprint of buildings is laid bare, with their shattered floors and walls beside them, shattered lives.  Concurrent reconstruction is happening in the face of war.  This is the first of many stages of ending and rebirth.

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