Sunday, June 12, 2022

"Fiber Arts, Expressive and Innovative" by Ileana Soto

The O'Hanlon Art Center is a little-known but special art center nestled in the hills of Mill Valley, California.  Monthly exhibits are juried by Bay Area art professionals.  "Fiber Arts, Expressive and Innovative," was juried by Carole Beadle, textile artist and professor, known for encouraging three-dimensional works by her students.  I studied with her for two semesters at the California College of Arts and Crafts (now California College of Art) in 1985.  She currently teaches at the College of Marin.  

I was honored to be juried into this exhibit, showing March 24-April 21, 2022.  I include a photo of my piece, "Chancay II", plus two details, based on my Peruvian heritage and the textiles of the Pre-Incan Chancay Culture, 1000-1470 AD.  This culture specialized in knowing the "essence" of a thing through sophisticated threadwork patterns called "gauzes."  When pulled taut, their patterns can be seen; when released, the patterns are hidden to the ordinary person. On the wall perpendicular to Chancay II are two felted pieces by Martha Wold Cornwall, "Elsa's Journey" and 'Fire Season".  

Ileana Soto 

Click here for a link to Ileana's website


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