Saturday, August 27, 2022

Adventures in Natural Dyeing by Judy Langille with Joan Diamond

Joan and I have been taking an amazing class through Maiwa School. We have been working with Natural dyes and creating samples of a huge range of color possibilities. The photos below illustrate some of the fabrics we have dyed in order to learn about natural dyes.

 Naturally dyed fabrics from yellows to purples.
Fabrics dyed using exhaust baths (colors that have been used before)

What you see here is two sample runs on two different substrates: natural cotton and cotton.  On the left are the colors of the dye. Next right is an iron shift.  All iron shifts are done for about 2 minutes. Next stop is an indigo shift.

What you see are two runs of cochineal extract on two different substrates:  cotton and natural cotton.  on the left is the natural color that it came out. moving right Is the iron shift. moving right again Is the indigo shift- one dip at 5 minutes. Last one on the right is indigo shift, two dips at 5 minutes each.

On the left you see the original exhaust bath samples and on the right  the same exhaust baths but with the indigo shift.

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