Saturday, August 20, 2022

Full Moon Hike LaQuinta Cove by Connie Tiegel

 Full Moon Hike 

Hiking on a full moon night is a regular schedule for us. The beauty of a day hike brings out certain bugs, flowers, animals and sunlight patterns. A full moon hike brings out different bugs, closed flowers and moonlight patterns. 

In April 2022 we took a full moon hike at LaQuinta cove, a place where we have hiked many times. This full moon the air was clear, the wind was calm and the stars brilliant before the moon rose high enough to obliterate them. 

I took along a red hand dyed silk scarf thinking it would reflect any amount of light the moon shared with us. I was delighted that the stars came out in the photos as they were so distinct that night.

This became a photo book and is number 5 in my series of Nature and Art. 

I hope you enjoy these photos and try a night hike to see new wonders of nature.

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