Saturday, August 6, 2022

Hiking at Wunderlich Park by Connie Tiegel

 Hiking at Wunderlich Park



Today I went hiking in Wunderlich Park. As usual I took along my iPhone to take photos of things that catch my eye. I also brought three different silk braided balls that I have been hiking with for a couple of years. I am in an ACN group studying textile installation art and have been inspired by what I have seen. This group is constantly on the lookout for installation art of all kinds and shares photos by email so we can discuss them when we meet by zoom.


I have hiked Wunderlich Park many times in all seasons. The last couple of years I have brought along silk hand dyed scarves and photographed them with interesting trees, scenery, etc. Today the silk braids/balls made me see other exciting ideas for nature and art together.


I hope you enjoy the following photos. 

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