Saturday, August 13, 2022

Hiking Carizzo Canyon by Connie Tiegel

 Carizzo Canyon Hike 

A very special hike was my first attempt at a cloth and nature series. I carried about 20 silk hand dyed scarves in my back pack along with my iPhone and water. I stealthily took photos of my scarves next to places I found inspiring: old trees, rock formations, individual rocks with fascinating cracks or colors. 

Carizzo Canyon is a special place because it is a breeding ground for bighorn sheep. The area is closed to hikers from January to October. For just 3 months of the year we can hike the area and watch for bighorn sheep, which we see almost every hike we enjoy there.

Lingering to photograph my scarves with some trees we were delighted to have 6 or 7 bighorn cross the alluvial plain about 50 yards from us. 

I hope you enjoy these photos that became my first book in my Nature and Art series.

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