Saturday, August 19, 2023

Curating an Exhibit at The Eddie Rhodes Gallery by Connie Tiegel

 In order to hang a show at a gallery a lot of information needs to be gathered. Visiting the gallery helped me to measure the linear feet of the walls, get a feel for the layout of the space available to hang work including walls, ceiling, floors, vitrines, lighting, etc. I made a map of the space using compass points to orient me. This helped me tremendously when placing pieces to show most effectively.

The next set of facts needed was the size of individual pieces to be hung in the show. I got this information from the artists and the catalog that had been put together by Mary Ellen Latino.

 I identified the walls as compass points, divided up the linear feet of each wall to determine how many pieces could fit with how much space between each piece. I used kraft paper as my substrate for its sturdy quality and easy rollability.

 I calculated the size of each work at 1 inch =1 foot and drew/cutout a piece of kraft paper for each piece. I laid out the colors of the pieces on each corresponding shape and began to play with a layout for the gallery. I continually worked with size, color and how well the pieces talked with each other until I was pleased with the layout. I kept in mind that I wanted about 3 feet between pieces so there was room for labels on the wall. Consistency was important for this.

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