Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Paris Trip

 Hi all, We have been in Paris and on the Cote d"Azure for 2 weeks celebrating with an assortment of people my husband's youngest daughter turning 50.  One of the things I most wanted to do in Paris was go to the Louvre where I have never been. We got our tickets early and for, what seemed like, a good time. Not.  Maybe there are no good times.  It was crowded, let me say again, it was crowded.  I had a plan that I would  not have a plan to see anything specific but to just go with getting a sense of the overall place and kind of coasting around. Not. I ended up in the Greek and Roman statues multiple times no matter where I was headed.  I finally saw ( in spite of my best efforts NOT to ) the Mona Lisa.  What I actually saw was a very large space filled with people trying to take photos of the Mona Lisa, so I took photos of  them photographing the Mona Lisa. I know I can see her on line a lot better then there.

Having made fun of this I did take a lot of photos of the sculptures because I like the faces as they were captured so long ago. One in particular is haunting me.  A sculpture of a face under a veil. How do you do that in stone? How do you do that in any medium?  So now I think I am going to try that in thread painting - after I think about it for awhile longer.

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