Saturday, February 10, 2024

Thread Confessions by Lynda Williamson

 Dear Gentle Reader,

 Just how much and how many different types of thread constitutes too many and that maybe you have a problem? I tell myself that it is important to have a variety of threads because I work with so many different types of fabric and techniques. I NEED to have wool, linen, cotton, silk, chenille, rayon and mylar threads all in solid and variegated combinations for both machine and hand work. Not to be forgotten, but threads come in different weights. Maybe I will need a #3 or #5 or #8 or #12 or #50 or #60, #100 weight of thread so I should buy one of each. Right? 

                                                     A plethora of threads.

Keep in mind the photos I am about to share with you are a mere glimpse into my thread mania (I wouldn't want to overwhelm you). All threads shown have been evaluated and deemed necessary to the stash. Those deemed unworthy have been moved on.

Assorted machine embroidery threads

                                                        Linen threads

What if I NEED a textured or metallic thread, better to have those handy as well

Assorted metallic threads

 And of course if I'm dyeing fabric I should probably dye thread to match in different weights. And since the dye is already out I should probably dye in colours that might work for future projects I will dream up. And since I love colour I should probably do a few variegated skeins because they are just fun and they might be just the one combination that is perfect for that yet to be thought of masterpiece. And maybe I have a friend that might need a certain colour so I should probably dye two of each combination just incase. And I should probably do the entire colour wheel of each weight of thread. You can see it is a slippery slope to owning a mountain of thread. And then how do you store said mountain of thread. It is a conundrum.

 Cotton, linen, silk and rayon threads waiting to be dyed.

 Just a glance at the red thread hand dyed assortment 

A mere sampling of hand dyed threads - cotton, silk and rayon in various weights

Every project dictates what it desires if you listen hard enough and I want to make sure I have the right thread in the stash when the project speaks. Right now I need to decide which part of the colour wheel is lacking in the thread assortment. I have the threads ready to dye so.....

So, I believe I do not have too many threads, I just have a vast assortment. Wouldn't you agree?


  1. Oh Lynda, that made me laugh! And I totally get it. I see it is time to go shopping - I am a piker compared to your thread collection. I thought I was bad but I can see I have a long way to go to amass your very impressive colelction.

  2. You are absolved my child...go in peace. Hahaha

  3. So much gorgeousness. I just spoke to my daughter Laura yesterday about having her hand dye some silk thread for me when she is making her natural dye baths. One should think ahead And better safe than sorry.

  4. Aah, a thread candy store! Beautiful, and you put them to good use!
