Monday, October 31, 2011

All Packed and Ready to Go . . .

I'm heading out to the Quilt Festival in Houston, Texas this Thursday. Since I'm teaching three classes and a demo, I have a lot of "stuff".  If you have never been, the Quilt Festival is amazing, overwhelming, inspiring, exhausting, and well worth attending! Even if you don't quilt, there are numerous workshops on a variety of surface design topics, a vendor exhibit with unlimited temptations, and some of the most beautiful and creative quilts in the world.  Two other members of the Artcloth Network are teaching there this year, Leslie Tucker Jenison and Maggie Weiss. Maybe we will see you there!


  1. I'm not sure who would win the "stuff" prize for packing it to take to Houston! It could be a tie!

  2. I know, I know, I submitted proposals for 2012, so I suspect I might be packing up the old Scion to the brim again. It's exhausting just to haul all that stuff isn't it.
