Sunday, November 13, 2011

Monoprinting on the new Gelli Plates at the Houston Quilt Festival

I was recently introduced to Gelli Arts reusable gelatin plates, which are used to replace a "gelatin plate" made in a similar fashion to "Knox Blox", an ideal surface to perform monoprints on both cloth and paper.
These reusable plates are ideal for me when teaching in a place that is difficult to make gelatin plates from scratch. Plus, these do not require refrigeration!  The plates come in two sizes:  6 inches by 6 inches, and 8 inches by 10 inches.
The idea is to spread a thin layer of paint over the surface with a brayer, brush, or other spreading tool.  The paint can then be manipulated by a variety of stamps or other tools and the pattern can be "picked up" from the surface with cloth or paper.
Here are a few images taken during the Sketchbook Challenge workshop by Sue Bleiweiss  and myself of the round robin workshop in Make-It-University during the quilt festival.  Among the four technique stations featured, I taught gelatin monoprinting.  I gave each student two types of paper and two types of cloth to experiment with:
 Things are still pretty "neat" at this point!

paint is applied across the gelatin plate surface

students selected among the large variety of texture tools to create marks
left foreground:  student places her paper onto the gelatin plate to "pick up" the paint

After use, the plates can simply be wiped off with a damp paper towel and stored for future use.  Any type of acrylic paint can be used, and each print can be "layered" repeatedly by this method.


  1. Hi Leslie... these sound interesting. Can you use thickened dye on them? Also where are they available?

    Sounds like you are keeping yourself pretty busy. Things are cooking here in Philadelphia... we had over 500 entrants from 15 countries for Outside/inside the box. I hope that you will schedule a visit sometime in March. Meanwhile keep up with what is going on at


  2. I'd very much like to see some of the finished work. I've just tested my new Gelli plate today.
