Thursday, January 17, 2019



My name is Priscilla Smith. I am a mixed media textile artist. I make art focused on Social Justice issues. Topics include: Race; Guns; Democracy; Me Too; Truth; Environment, War, etc. My background includes mothering; making art, corporate lawyering; pre-school and high school teaching; music performance; etc.

APRIL: 2018

PRISCILLA’S BODY: Hey dear, have you noticed that you might be tiring a bit more than usual and perhaps be feeling a bit down?
PRISCILLA: No. Everything is fine.

MAY: 2018

PRISCILLA’S BODY: I know dear.... you say “everything is fine....there’s nothing wrong...” but I sense sometimes that you’d just like to stay in bed for the day and other times, look a bit stressed out. Could I be on to something?”
PRISCILLA: No. No. No. Absolutely not. Everything is just fine.

JUNE: 2018:

PRISCILLA’S BODY: Well dear, I’m not sure how to say this, but I think you may be  watching too much TV? I know you like to keep up with what’s going on in our country and in the world and the picture isn’t very pretty, but.........And I thought I saw you with tears in your eyes when we were driving back from getting groceries? Are you sure there’s nothing wrong?
PRISCILLA: No. No. No. I’m not watching too much TV. You know my background is Constitutional Law and I just find what’s happening very interesting from a legal perspective. There’s nothing wrong. This world may be a little crazy but I can handle it

JULY: 2018:

PRISCILLA’S BODY: How did your harp engagement go? I know you love working with couples getting married and performing weddings at Chatham Bars Inn? And it was a beautiful day for an outside wedding.
PRISCILLA: It was “okay” .....I guess.
AUGUST: 2018:

PRISCILLA’S BODY: You know, you started those two art pieces last fall.....the one called LIES, LIES, LIES and the other about the Broken Bones of Congressional Members.. But I notice you haven’t touched them since last fall.

Broken Back Bones

PRISCILLA: Well, what do you to be Superwoman. Our house has been under a major renovation for the past 8 months....I’ve been living in one room in the basement with the dog and 2 cats and a microwave and counter cooker. And been unpacking and moving back into our house the past two weeks. How would I have any time or energy to work on art? Leave me alone. Just leave me alone. And I’m not stressed, darn it.

Lies, Lies, Lies

PRISCILLA’S BODY: You know I didn't mean to make you feel bad when I asked you about your art? I’m just concerned.
PRISCILLA: Well, you needn’t be. I can handle all the stress and still work on my art. I’ll be ready to go to my 2 week Art Workshop at the Barn next month.

OCTOBER: 2018:

PRISCILLA’S BODY: I know you’re excited about going to Ohio for two weeks to focus solely on your art. I wish you Good luck
PRISCILLA: Thank you. I’m sorry I spoke quickly to you when I know you were really just concerned about me. I will go to the workshop and be surrounded by support and love. And I know I’ll be able to get back to those two art pieces and finish them, even though the subject matter is stressful.


PRISCILLA’S BODY: I’m so glad you were able to finish those two art pieces. But I’m sorry you’re not feeling well. Can I help in any way?
PRISCILLA: Yes, I’m glad I got them finished. And..... I guess you could say that I’m not doing very well physically. This isn’t fun.


PRISCILLA’S BODY: Dear, you’ve been handling this situation for a month. Do you think a visit to the doctor might help?
PRISCILLA: No.....that wont’ help......This will just go away soon. Anyway, it doesn't do any good to go to the doctor. Well.... maybe, it wouldn't hurt to have it checked out.

JANUARY: 2019:

PRISCILLA’S BODY: Well , at least you have some kind of of those nasty gut conditions. I know it’s not totally clear and I know it will be a long road ahead. And, truthfully, I’m glad you’re not making art about the subjects you usually work on. Even though they are your passion.
PRISCILLA: Yes, new food. New techniques to reduce stress. And a journey ahead to figure this all out. And while my mind constantly continues to think of the art pieces I could make about Social Justice issues, I know I need to let go for now. Another challenge. I’m glad you like the small stitch samples I’ve been doing. At first, I didn't think I’d like this exercise....weaving together strips of fabric and then stitching them. But I’m finding them very relaxing and, in a way, very healing. You know Priscilla’s BODY, you knew this was going to happen long before I did and thank you for not saying “I told you so”. I’m a bit slow to learn, but I will commit to you to try to listen to you much
better. I love you PRISCILLA’S BODY.

Stone Stitch 1

Stone Stitch 2
Stone Stitch 3

Stone Stitch 4

Stone Stitch 5

Stone Stitch 6

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