Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Color Affects at Austin Bergstrom International Airport 2019

Many thanks to the Art Cloth Network artists and exhibit committee members for working with me to get Color Affects displayed at the Austin Bergstrom International Airport (ABIA) . Due to the massive construction projects at the airport, the hanging of the exhibit was delayed for quite a while. The exhibit went up the first week in January and will be on display until the first week in May 2019. The Art, Music & Graphics Program Manager and her staff were wonderful to work with.

I had forgotten how many steps were involved in curating a show. Many boxes were shipped to my house. They needed to be stored, stacked and checked for return postage and condition. 

On hanging day, fourteen boxes with nineteen pieces of artwork were loaded into my car and driven to the airport. Upon arrival, I was met with multiple wheeled carts to load the boxes of artwork into the airport exhibit space.  My ID was verified, and I was able to be escorted behind the scenes to the room for setting up the exhibit. Together with the staff, we unpacked, verified, established exhibit layout and admired the incredible artwork. 

After a few hours, I was sent home with all the packing boxes, and the airport team was ready to hang the exhibit. The pieces are split between two galleries, behind glass windows.

I have already gotten great feedback on the exhibit from a few friends who were traveling through Austin. If you are passing through the ABIA, I hope you will get a chance to check out the Color Affects Exhibit.

1 comment:

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