Sunday, January 5, 2020

Artwork Visualization Programs 

I have been looking at various online and phone apps for viewing completed artwork in place on a wall or in a gallery type setting.  The links below introduce and preview  a number of those apps. What is fun is to see how YOUR art can look in various settingsIt can also serve as a sales tool to show a potential client what the art would look like in a home or office setting.

I think these 3 have the most application and are easiest to use. All let you play around a bit on a free trial basis to see how it works.

iArtView is an app created expressly for artists looking to increase their sales by using high quality images of their art in personalized settings. Rather than preset wall images, you take a photo of the space where you want to see the art and the app auto-scales the work for you.

ArtPlacer‘s strength is in the app’s ability to instantly scale a work in a room with perspective, so clients get the most realistic and convincing image possible. A user can upload an art image, select an interior or upload one of their own, enter the dimensions and land an excellent looking preview with the right proportions. The art image will instantly “pop” into place with the correct perspective, which is very helpful. The app’s library of spaces includes art fair booths and galleries to living rooms and kitchens. This app also features a cool widget that you can include on your website- a helpful sales tool that will make your site stand out!

Artrooms launched in July 2018. A lite version of the app is free on both iOS and Android, with subscription options for increased functionality such as more walls to choose from, unlimited uploads, and better access for saving high-res images. The app offers artists and galleries a quick and easy tool to superimpose, light and frame art images upon elegant interior images.

So start off the new year in a new way by playing with these programs. Have fun!

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