Monday, October 31, 2022

Decisions by Barbara Schneider

 It may be because its fall with the fading light and the increasing cold or any number of other reasons but I find myself in the throes of making decisions re my studio practice - yet again. I have been here before - when I question what is the purpose of creating more work? why does nothing seem interesting? why did I take that workshop, why am I holding on to these supplies, why, why, why.  

And I definitely know that the whole creative process is a series of ups and downs. But - this time it seems deeper. Maybe this time I will really decide that keeping the studio is not a good idea. That I  really should get rid of those supplies I don't use, that Sweet Sixteen handi quilter, those print making supplies, those old projects.

Maye it is really time to go to Palm Desert in a couple of months with NO projects.  Could I walk away for 3 months?  Could I walk away period?  

I would love to hear how others have made their decisions in this area - what helped you make a firm decision instead of waffling back and forth.

Barbara Schneider

1 comment:

  1. Oh I am all for waffling. Maybe just apply less pressure to yourself and live in the moment. I know that you feel the need to pack supplies that you might want in Palm Springs so that requires some forethought and commitment, but maybe this year will be about sketching and taking photos, reading and your journal. Hiking and looking.

    As to the workshop, I am so, so, very glad we got to share that time and I may actually be getting close to being able to make some of those collagraphs. ( Even if blogger doesn't know how to spell it!)

    The deeper question is why not continue to explore, you are an artist, making is what you know, it's like breathing, not something I would recommend cutting back on. Holding on to all the fruits of your labors and trying to get it shown is another matter entirely. But that is not something that has to happen today.

    I did manage to find new homes for a number of works during my open studio despite the rainy day and competition with the Phillies. I also committed a retail faux pas by having bags of free stuff ( beautiful unmarked fabrics that I will not be using, tools etc. but I needed to get them out of there. So maybe you are feeling this need to winnow down without the looming deadline of a smaller studio.

    When I think about just throwing in the towel I just can't imagine my days without finding beauty and mystery in the world around me and that so often takes the form of thinking about art and making something.
