Sunday, November 6, 2022

Wounded Sentinels Redux by Deborah Weir

 I started making Wounded Sentinels during Fire Season in California in 2020.  I have been making them with some regularly ever since building an expanding collection of about 20.   They range in height from 10" to 7'.   Fosshape is the primary medium.  It holds its shape when heated.  Each piece was created over a form from toilet paper rolls to giant tubes used to form cement.  

Recently, I have been going back into some of the earlier ones to add more "ashes" to their outsides.   All kinds of studio detritus serve as ashes which I hand stitch in place.  These will be on display in my solo exhibition, as yet untitled, in January in Long Beach, CA.  Stay tuned!!

From Deborah Weir

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