Saturday, November 12, 2022

Starting a New Series, by Regina Marzlin

 I want to share a new piece that I made for our current call for entry "Layered". I print a lot of smallish fabric pieces on my gel printing plates. To assemble them into a larger piece is a challenge, but I'm happy with the outcome of my latest explorations and want to continue doing more work in that direction. Fingers crossed that the piece gets juried into our next show!

The piece is called "Late Night Conversations", w 25.5" x H 37.5".

My artist statement for this artwork is this: "Thoughts are swirling and deep philosophical questions are pondered in late night conversations. We jump from one topic to the next, sometimes without any logic, only guided by our semi-conscious trains of thought. The world around us disappears for a while."

Materials used are cotton fabric, acrylic paint, and India ink. The process of mono-printing is my favorite technique to apply paint in multiple layers. To unify the prints I overpainted them with black India ink with swooping gestural application before piecing them together. Here are some detailed pictures:

The machine stitching is very subtle and doesn't compete with the busyness of the fabrics.

One surprising discovery was that the reverse side looked really intriguing, I was seriously tempted to declare this the front side for a while! Another avenue to pursue, for sure.

1 comment:

  1. I am with you on the back of the fabric. I love it. When I do my very heavily stitched pieces I always love the backs.
