Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Pick Up Stix

 Whenever I walk in the woods I pick up sticks or interesting pieces of bark, or anything else that looks like it will have either an interesting texture or a wonderful pattern or shape. Many of these become textile pieces further down the line.  But some are just so lovely as they are that I have created a group of them called Pick Up Stix.  I take the original piece of wood, clean it well and then coat it with a graphite solution made from powdered graphite, denatured alcohol and shellac.  You paint it on (usually 2 coats) and then rub it with another stick or a coin to get the graphite to take on that beautiful gray sheen.  I have added gold paint into the cracks for contrast and definition.There is something so satisfying about the feel of these pieces.  

When I was in design school in the 60's!!!! we had  a project in our first year to make a "feel good". You were given a hunk of metal and then you had to cut, file and sand it until it felt good in your hand. Let me say that sticks are easier then metal.  


  1. These are beautiful Barbara. Thanks for posting.

  2. Marvelous! So tactile and appealing.

  3. I saw you pick up some of these. It’s great to see your vision realized! ConnieT
