Saturday, May 6, 2023

Strings of Desire

 The Craft Contemporary Museum on Museum Row (Mid Wilshire) in Los Angeles just closed its fascinating exhibit: Strings of Desire.  As an embroiderer myself I was fascinated by the work of these 13 artists.

The mixed media embroiderers followed the theme: outsider culture, to examine their status as non-Western, queer and/or artists who pursue fantasy in their work.

What struck me, (words from the Press Release) was "the slowness  and intimate nature of the act of embroidery can capture . . . [the} state of desire before it reaches fulfillment."  This is something I experience viscerally every time I stitch.

The Press Release also mentions that the work in the exhibit is "complicating and maintaining the legacy of embroidery."  This is exactly my purpose in the hand stitching I do along with the use of additional media.  I found this a powerful and important show and was glad I got to see it close up!

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