Thursday, December 21, 2023

Big Project, Big Year by Mary Vaneecke

 Five years ago, I started collecting 20,000 pairs of handmade baby booties to draw attention to the problem of infant mortality in the US.  I called it The Mourning Project.  

On Saturday, October 21 of this year I co-hosted the first complete exhibition with the March of Dimes Arizona and the Center for Compassion, which offers grief support to those who have suffered traumatic loss.  It was amazing to see the 38' by 45' installation come together....

Learn about the event and the issue in this amazing short video with stunning aerial views of the installation.

What's next?  We're going to St. Louis this summer.  Stay tuned for more news at  

#20000BabyBooties        #UnitedAgainstInfantMortality.    #BlanketChange

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