Saturday, December 23, 2023

It Takes a Village by Joan Diamond

 It Takes a Village by Joan Diamond

Recently I was thrilled to learn of my acceptance into the World of Threads Festival 2023.  My artwork is an installation piece, consisting of 10 "pods" as I call them, suspended from the ceiling.

The Festival is in Canada, and I made what was for me a 9 hour trip to assist with the installation.  It was awesome to watch it materialize.  I'm so happy to have been able to help, even though for safety they didn't want me to climb a ladder or help with the SkyJack (looked like good driving fun!).

After a long day of fussing with thread lengths the art work was finally hung.  So exciting!  As you can see from the first picture, there are small circles on the floor, below the pods. These circles each encase a small pile of seeds from the monster River Birch tree that lives in my backyard. About a week into the show I got an unexpected email from the promoters. Oh dear! People are walking through the sculpture, and consequently walking the seeds throughout the building.  Building management is most unhappy about this! 

The curators, with their first rate attention to any and all details that crop up were on it.  Look at the most elegant, creative solution they came up with!  

I told them they did me a favor.  Going forward, now, somehow I will have to come up with my own risers to include with the piece, as now that I've seen it with the risers,  I can't "unsee" it!! The risers created a visual boundary that has accomplished the goal of preventing traffic thru the art, and in the process, made it even better. No tape lines on the floor; no rope barricade fencing off the art and creating a "belt" at its midpoint. Thank you management for your concerns!

Same spot, but different views: 

From this.               To this.

1 comment:

  1. I can’t believe people were so obtuse to walk through your art! Huh? I love this piece and think you were so smart to add the circles on the floor…it adds intrigue to the piece.
