ACN members dining at Circe in downtown Providence.
Meeting organizers where able to schedule a tour of the RISD Museum for ACN members.
This is just one of the beautiful murals in the downtown area.
The show-and-tell portion of the meeting is always a favorite. Here are just a few members displaying new work:
PR/Marketing Chair Barbara James
Catherine Kirsch
Jacque Davis (Chair of the 2018 meeting in St. Louis)
Membership Chair Jeanne Sisson
Judy Langille
Mary Ellen Latino (who helped plan the meeting)
Linda Dawson (ACN webmaster)
Incoming ACN President Russ Little
Our next meeting will be in Savannah, GA, It is always great to be with your tribe. Watch this space if you would like to become a part of Art Cloth Network, as our annual membership will begin in early 2017.