Wednesday, October 16, 2024

MAḎAYIN Eight Decades of Aboriginal Australian Bark Painting from Yirrkala by Barbara Schneider

I just experienced the most interesting exhibit now at the Asia Society in New York. The article showed the most intriguing  aboriginal paintings and referred to the exhibit at the Kluge-Ruhe Museum in Virginia.

When I went to look at more on that website, they wrote that the exhibit was so extensive that they had built a separate website so that you could experience it in a new way.  It is fascinating and so full of information and the ability to look very closely at the art. Even though I can't go to the exhibit in New York I feel like I have had a wonderful experience of it through this new site.

I am also going to comment on serendipity.  I had recently listened to a book I read some time ago - Color by Victoria Findlay.  Listening to it was a very different experience than reading it. But because I had done this so recently I remembered quite well her section on bark cloth which also covered  a lot of the history of what is seen in this exhibit.

I don't know whether our antennas go up but it often feels like if I am discovering something in one area I am suddenly experiencing it in several others.  I am very much enjoying my download at the moment of wonderful Aboriginal art as an audible, visual and written experience.

Here are links to various things about the exhibit both at the Asia Society and at the Kluge-Ruhe.

PS. I found the catalog through Used Books as well.

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